title = SMP-msv-03 cpp = /usr/bin/cpp -traditional integrator = md nsteps = 10000000 ; 10,000,000 steps => 20 ns nstlist = 10 dt = 0.002 constraints = hbonds constraint-algorithm = shake ns_type = grid coulombtype = reaction-field epsilon_r=1 epsilon_rf=78 rcoulomb=0.8 rlist=0.7 vdwtype=switch rvdw_switch=0.7 rvdw=0.8 tcoupl = nose-hoover tc_grps = protein sol tau_t = 0.5 0.5 ref_t = 300 300 energygrps=protein sol comm_grps=protein sol comm_mode=linear nstcomm=10 gen_vel=yes gen_temp=300 gen_seed=-1 ; Output frequency for energies to log file and energy file = nstlog = 25000 ; every 50 ps nstenergy = 25000 nstxout = 0 nstvout = 0 nstxtcout = 25000 xtc-precision = 1000 gen_seed = 6094