Folder: Mach1 Contents: 1. Raw data files (.txt) as obtained from the testing system. 2. Subfolder names correspond to the sample and test names. 3. Compression test folders have only data.txt file, tensile test folders also have video data folders within the sample name folder with folder names data1, data2 etc. Each of these folders correspond to the command for which video data was captured. Video data was captured only for stress relaxation. data.txt file organization: 1. Each file is divided into sections of header and data, each header describes a command to perform following steps. Each step has multiple commands. Step 1: Obtain reference location. Step 2: Ramp up and down to and from 15% stain at 20%/s strain rate, 1000 preconditioning cycles between 10-15% strain at 2Hz, ramp up and down to and from 15% strain at 20%/s strain rate. Step 3: Obtain reference location. Step 4: Three step stress relaxation. 5-10-15% stain at 20%/s strain rate. 2. Step 1: zero load - zeroes the load cell find contact - find the reference location with 10g contact load wait - wait for 1 min move relative - unload Step 2: move absolute - move the vertical stage to location 300 microns off the reference location move relative - move to 15% strain at 20%/s move relative - move back from 15% strain at 20%/s move relative - to load sample (by 12.5% nominal strain) sinusoid - 1000 preconditioning cycles at 2Hz between 10-15% strain move relative - to unload sample (by 12.5% nominal strain) move relative - move to 15% strain at 20%/s move relative - move back from 15% strain at 20%/s move relative - unload Step 3: zero load - zeroes the load cell find contact - find the reference location with 10g contact load wait - wait for 1 min move relative - unload Step 4: move absolute - move the vertical stage to location 300 microns off the reference location move relative - ramp to 5% strain at 20%/s wait - 10s wait - 100s, downsampling at a frequency of 1 Hz for all data wait - 1000s, downsampling at a frequency of 0.1 Hz for all data wait - 690s, downsampling at 0.01 Hz for all data move relative - ramp to 10% strain at 20%/s wait - 10s wait - 100s, downsampling at a frequency of 1 Hz for all data wait - 1000s, downsampling at a frequency of 0.1 Hz for all data wait - 690s, downsampling at 0.01 Hz for all data move relative - ramp to 15% strain at 20%/s wait - 10s wait - 100s, downsampling at a frequency of 1 Hz for all data wait - 1000s, downsampling at a frequency of 0.1 Hz for all data wait - 690s, downsampling at 0.01 Hz for all data move relative - unload Subfolders: 1. Day # indicates which day the test was done in the repeatability analysis. 2. Same sample was used for both unconfined and confined compression tests. 3. There was a two hour rest between two tests performed on the same day. 4. UC - unconfined compression, CC - confined compression, UT - uniaxial tension. 5. For CC and UC, reference location (location of indentor obtained using 10g load) was used to apply the strains calculated using sample thickness, whereas, reference length (obtained using 10g load) was used to calculate strains applied in subsequent steps in tensile tests and thickness was calculated once. 6. All thickness values for compression and tensile tests are provided in OTMS folder. 7. Subfolder naming convention: oks003: specimen ID, PTC (patella cartilage), FMC (femoral cartilage), TBC (tibia cartilage), MCXX/LCXX - medial/lateral, center, XX - other info, uX - tensile sample, first two numbers (01/02/03 etc) - sample number, last two numbers (01/02/03 etc)- test number. 8. Compression samples were assumed to have 5 mm diameter and tensile samples were assumed to be 1 mm wide (these measurements were kept constant for calculations). 1. Patella Day 1: oks003-PTC-MCXX-01-01 (UC): thickness: 2.696 mm, positions: 84.2640, 84.2900. Day 1: oks003-PTC-MCXX-01-02 (CC): thickness: 2.675 mm, positions: 78.5965, 78.6745. Day 2: oks003-PTC-MCXX-01-03 (UC): thickness: 2.676 mm, positions:44.7375, 44.7855. Day 2: oks003-PTC-MCXX-01-04 (CC): thickness: 2.685 mm, positions:39.0490,39.1510. Day 3: oks003-PTC-MCXX-01-05 (UC): thickness: 2.694 mm, 51.742, 51.8265. Day 3: oks003-PTC-MCXX-01-06 (CC): thickness: 2.680 mm, positions: 46.079, 46.1595. Day 1: oks003-PTC-LCuX-01-01 (UT): lengths: 7.2725, 7.6685 mm Day 2: oks003-PTC-LCuX-01-02 (UT): lengths: 7.9365, 8.2630 mm Day 2: oks003-PTC-LCuX-01-03 (UT): lengths: 8.4475, 8.8015 mm 2. Patellar groove Day 1: oks003-FMC-ACXX-01-01 (UC): thickness: 1.416 mm. Positions: 93.1775, 93.227. Day 1: oks003-FMC-ACXX-01-02 (CC): thickness: 1.413 mm, positions: 88.1520, 88.2325. Day 2: oks003-FMC-ACXX-01-03 (UC): thickness: 1.405 mm. Positions: 77.1145, 77.1465. Day 2: oks003-FMC-ACXX-01-04 (CC): thickness: 1.422 mm, positions: 71.56, 71.6355 Day 3: oks003-FMC-ACXX-01-05 (UC): thickness: 1.405 mm. Positions: 60.3235, 60.3515. Day 3: oks003-FMC-ACXX-01-06 (CC): thickness: 1.429 mm, positions: 54.7605, 54.8810. Day 1: oks003-FMC-ACuX-01-01 (UT): lengths: 6.889, 6.9905 mm Day 2: oks003-FMC-ACuX-01-02 (UT): lengths: 6.9655, 7.0430 mm Day 2: oks003-FMC-ACuX-01-03 (UT): lengths: 7.0325, 7.1025 mm 3. Medial femoral condyle Day 1: oks003-FMC-MCXX-01-01 (UC): thickness: 1.825 mm. Positions: 53.8055, 53.8315. Day 1: oks003-FMC-MCXX-01-02 (CC): thickness: 1.857 mm, positions: 48.2050, 48.283. Day 2: oks003-FMC-MCXX-01-03 (UC): thickness: 1.839 mm. Positions: 48.95, 48.969. Day 2: oks003-FMC-MCXX-01-04 (CC): thickness: 1.841 mm, positions: 43.4185, 43.4915. Day 3: oks003-FMC-MCXX-01-05 (UC): thickness: 1.834 mm. Positions: 44.003,44.0095. Day 3: oks003-FMC-MCXX-01-06 (CC): thickness: 1.829 mm, positions: 38.4010, 38.4740. Day 1: oks003-FMC-MCuX-01-01: lengths: 6.919, 7.0695 mm Day 2: oks003-FMC-MCuX-01-02: lengths: 7.07, 7.1505 mm Day 2: oks003-FMC-MCuX-01-03: lengths: 7.1355, 7.1905 mm 4. Lateral femoral condyle Day 1: oks003-FMC-LCXX- 01-01 (UC): thickness: 1.543 mm, positions: 69.2395,69.2730. (sample floated away after preconditioning) Day 1: oks003-FMC-LCXX- 01-02 (CC): thickness: 1.557 mm, positions: 63.5575, 63.6445. Day 2: oks003-FMC-LCXX- 01-03 (UC): thickness: 1.569 mm, positions: 49.9535, 50.0805. Day 2: oks003-FMC-LCXX- 01-04 (CC): thickness:1.562 mm, positions: 44.425,44.5135. Day 3: oks003-FMC-LCXX- 01-05 (UC): thickness: 1.564 mm, positions: 45.8715, 46.000. Day 3: oks003-FMC-LCXX- 01-06 (UC): thickness: 1.554 mm, positions: 40.3560, 40.432. Day 1: oks003-FMC-LCuX-01-01 (UT): lengths: 6.6975, 6.9350 mm Day 2: oks003-FMC-LCuX-01-02 (UT):lengths: 6.98, 7.158 mm Day 2: oks003-FMC-LCuX-01-03 (UT): lengths: 7.1535, 7.302 mm 5. Medial tibial plateau Day 1: oks003-TBC-MCXX-03-01 (UC): thickness: 1.845 mm, positions: 70.185, 70.364. Day 1: oks003-TBC-MCXX-03-02 (CC): thickness: 1.857 mm, positions: 64.522, 64.593. Day 2: oks003-TBC-MCXX-03-03 (UC): thickness: 1.848 mm, positions: 56.846, 57.004. Day 2: oks003-TBC-MCXX-03-04 (CC): thickness: 1.85 mm, positions: 51.274, 51.4170. weekend Day 3: oks003-TBC-MCXX-03-05 (UC): thickness: 1.848 mm, positions: 63.401, 63.5865. Day 3: oks003-TBC-MCXX-03-05 (CC): thickness: 1.85 mm, positions: 57.769, 57.8275. Day 1: oks003-TBC-MCuX-01-01 (UT): lengths: 6.579, 6.783 mm Day 2: oks003-TBC-MCuX-01-02 (UT): lengths: 6.7665, 6.887 mm Day 2: oks003-TBC-MCuX-01-03 (UT): lengths: 6.8765, 6.954 mm 6. Lateral tibial plateau Day 1: oks003-TBC-LCXX-01-01 (UC): thickness: 2.2489 mm. positions: 34.711, 34.756. Day 1: oks003-TBC-LCXX-01-02 (CC): thickness: 2.2660 mm. positions: 29.119,29.1745. Day 2: oks003-TBC-LCXX-01-03 (UC): thickness: 2.2780 mm. positions: 56.7435,56.789. Day 2: oks003-TBC-LCXX-01-04 (CC): thickness: 2.250 mm. positions: 51.193, 51.246. Day 3: oks003-TBC-LCXX-01-05 (UC): thickness: 2.2663 mm. positions: 47.748, 47.794. Day 3: oks003-TBC-LCXX-01-06 (CC): thickness: 2.2590 mm. positions: 42.0825, 42.2145. Day 1: oks003-TBC-LCuX-01-01 (UT): lengths: 6.6835, 6.9810 mm Day 2: oks003-TBC-LCuX-01-02 (UT): lengths: 6.9720, 7.0870 mm Day 2: oks003-TBC-LCuX-01-03 (UT): lengths: 7.0745, 7.1335 mm =================================== Folder: OTMS Notes: 1. The OTMS (optical thickness measurement system) folder contains all the thickness measurements. 2. Thickness was measured for samples before ALL compression tests. 3. Thickness was measured only once for each tensile test repeatability set as once the samples were placed in clamps they were not removed until all three tests in that set were done. Subfolders: 1. Each subfolder name corresponds to the Mach1 test folder name. 2. Each folder has three files. a) image of the sample with a ruler for calibration, b) image of the sample with measurements and, c) xml file with all the thickness measurements and calculations.