import sys from nptdms import TdmsFile def parseTDMSfile(tdmsFileName): """ This function was modified from which is located in the Open Knee(s) repository. Original author: Ahmet Erdemir Computational Biomodeling (CoBi) Core Department of Biomedical Engineering Lerner Research Institute Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, OH This function will parse the given .tdms filen and return a dictionary of values. This dictionary will contain several entries. Keys and descriptions of the entries can be found in the OpenKnee(s) documentation. As of January 2016, the documentation for these values can be found in the OpenKnee(s) wiki page under Infrastructure/ExperimentationMechanics in a file called *2013CB-031-002.B simVITRO Data File Contents_Open Knee.pdf* :param tdmsFileName: string, The file name of the .tdms file :return: dictionary, A dictionary which contains the parsed values from the .tdms file :Note: the module *nptdms* must be installed for this function to run. :Example: .. code-block:: python import tdmsParser import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # The .tdms file name tdmsFileName = '../oks001/joint_mechanics-oks001/TibiofemoralJoint/KinematicsKinetics/005_passive flexion_optimized/Data/005_passive flexion_optimized_main_processed.tdms' # parse the file data = parseTDMSfile(tdmsFileName) # Plot flexion against internal rotation. flexion = data['State.JCS']['JCS Flexion'] internalRotaiton = data['State.JCS']['JCS Internal Rotation'] fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1) ax1.plot(flexion, internalRotaiton, color='r') """ tdmsFile = TdmsFile(tdmsFileName) # Read the tdms file with the TdmsFile function groups = tdmsFile.groups() # Get the groups from the tdmsFile groupDict = {} # Iterate over the groups and get the channels from the groups for i, group in enumerate(groups): groupDict[group] = {} channels = tdmsFile.group_channels(group) # Get the channels from the group # Iterate over the channels, and check if the channel dictionary has the key 'NI_ChannelName'. # If the dictionary does have that key, then return the data from that channel. for channel in channels: channelData = _parseChannel(channel, targetKey='NI_ChannelName') # If None is returned, then go to the next channel. if channelData is None: continue # Else, add the channelData to the group dictionary else: groupDict[group].update(channelData) return groupDict # This function will def _parseChannel(channel, targetKey = 'NI_ChannelName'): channelDict = {} # Initialize the channel dictionary. # Try to parse the data from the channel. try: channelLabel =[targetKey] # define the label for the channel. channelDict[channelLabel] = # Put the channel data in channelDict. The channel label is the key. return channelDict # If there is an exception, return None except: return None if __name__ == '__main__': tdmsFileName = '/home/will/Projects/MCLS_CSU/MCLS_002/OpenKnee/oks001/joint_mechanics-oks001/TibiofemoralJoint/KinematicsKinetics/005_passive flexion_optimized/Data/005_passive flexion_optimized_main_processed.tdms' data = parseTDMSfile(tdmsFileName) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt flex = data['Kinematics.JCS.Actual']['Internal Rotation Angle'] flexActual = data['Kinematics.JCS.Actual']['Flexion Angle'] # loadSup = data['State.JCS Load']['JCS Load Distraction'] xVals = range(len(flex)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1) ax1.plot(xVals, flex, color='r')