#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Copyright (c) 2016 Computational Biomechanics (CoBi) Core, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------- Tekscan_contact_metrics.py DESCRIPTION: Python script to read Tekscan pressure csv file(s) and output contact metrics (see OUTPUT below for metrics). REQUIREMENTS: Python 3 (http://www.python.org) NumPy (http://www.numpy.org) ORIGINALLY WRITTEN BY: Diana Suciu Summer Intern, 2015 Undergraduate student at Case Western Reserve University REWRITTEN BY: Craig Bennetts Computational Biomodeling (CoBi) Core Department of Biomedical Engineering Lerner Research Institute Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, OH bennetc2@ccf.org INITIAL CONTIBUTION BY: Ahmet Erdemir Computational Biomodeling (CoBi) Core Department of Biomedical Engineering Lerner Research Institute Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, OH erdemira@ccf.org INPUT(S): csv file(s) output from Tekscan binary data file, which include: - number of sensels per row and column - sensel area (mm^2) - pressure data (MPa) for an arbitrary number of 'frames' (i.e. time points) OUTPUT(S): Text file(s) (name(s) based on input file(s)) containing the following contact metrics: - input csv filename - senspr dimensions (sensel rows x columns) - contact force (N) - contact area (mm^2) - peak pressure (MPa) - peak pressure location (sensel indices (row,col), indexed from 1) ASSUMPTIONS: - Input file contains Tekscan pressure data with an arbitrary number of sampled time points. - All time points were collected at a static loading condition on the Tekscan. Therefore, average all time points together will remove noise and reduce potential variations (due to control, etc.). ''' import sys from numpy import array,zeros,sum,unravel_index,amax,arange, floor from numpy import set_printoptions,nan # for repr from numpy import spacing try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET # preferrably load cElementTree is much faster than ElementTree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap import matplotlib.colorbar as cb # SET DEFAULTS PRESSURE_UNITS_ORDER = {'MPa': 10.0**6, 'kPa': 10.0**3, 'Pa': 1.0} DESIRED_PRESSURE_UNITS = 'MPa' def USAGE(argv): print() print('USAGE: ', argv[0], ' <# rows> <# columns> ') print() def Tekscan_subplot(argv): # Check appropriate usage if len(argv)<4: USAGE(argv) sys.exit(1) # Set subplot dimensions nrows = int(argv[1]) ncols = int(argv[2]) print() print(nrows) print("x") print(ncols) print() # Check appropriate number of input arguments # if len(argv)-3!=nrows*ncols: # print() # print('ERROR: subplot dimensions do not match!') # print() # sys.exit(1) # set options for repr if desired # threshold option allows full 2D array to be converted to a string without abbreviating with ellipses # formatter option enforces not to use exponential notation # WARNING: this assumes specific pressure sensor values only have 4 decimals of precision float_formatter = lambda x: "%0.4f" % x set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize, formatter={'float_kind':float_formatter}) # Set filenames input_filenames = argv[3:] # Initialize values array_list = [] max_list = [] max_pressure = 0.0 # PROCESS INPUT TEKSCAN FILE(S) for input_filename in input_filenames: # CONVERT CSV TO XML: # 1) reads desired Tekscan csv parameters # 2) averages all temporal 'frames' # 3) computes contact metrics (contact area, contact force, peak pressure) # 4) builds XML tree, including: parameters, averaged frame, contact metrics # 5) outputs XML tree to file # RETURNS: tekscan_array, sensel_list, metrics_list = tekscan_csv_2_AVG_METRICS_XML(input_filename) #tekscan_array = tekscan_csv_2_AVG_METRICS_XML(input_filename) if amax(tekscan_array)>max_pressure: max_pressure = amax(tekscan_array) max_list.append(max_pressure) array_list.append( tekscan_array ) # CREATE AVERAGE PRESSURE SUBPLOT FIGURE #cmap = plt.get_cmap('spectral') #print(cmap._segmentdata) spectral_mod = modified_spectral_colormap() fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows,ncols=ncols,sharex=True,sharey=True) #Create colorbar image barfig = plt.figure() axs2 = barfig.add_axes([0.05,0.05,0.05,0.9]) norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=max(max_list)) cb1 = cb.ColorbarBase(axs2, cmap=spectral_mod,norm=norm,orientation='vertical') colorbar_label = 'Pressure (' + str(metrics_list[5]) + ')' cb1.set_label(colorbar_label) # Plot each Tekscan average pressure array in the subplot for array_index in range(len(array_list)): # determine 2D subplot indices from unraveled array list row = int(floor(array_index / ncols)) col = array_index % ncols tekscan_array = array_list[array_index] # tekscan_array[43,43] = max(max_list) #OPTION 1: Use integer axes dimension ticks axs[row, col].imshow(tekscan_array, cmap=spectral_mod, interpolation='none', extent=[0.0, sensel_list[2] * float(tekscan_array.shape[1]), sensel_list[0] * float(tekscan_array.shape[0]), 0.0]) #axs[row, col].set_title(input_filenames[array_index]) axs[row, col].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axs[row, col].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # OPTION 2: Manually set uniformly divided axes dimension ticks # plt.imshow(tekscan_array, cmap=spectral_mod, interpolation='none') # # NUM_XTICKS = 4 # xmax = float(tekscan_array.shape[1]-1) # NOTE: center-to center of sensels => -1! # dx = xmax/float(NUM_XTICKS) # xtick_values = arange(0.0,xmax+dx,dx) # xtick_labels = list( map(str, sensel_list[2]*xtick_values) ) # multiply sensel indices by sensel row dimension # print(xtick_values) # print(xtick_labels) # plt.xticks(xtick_values, xtick_labels) # # NUM_YTICKS = 4 # ymax = float(tekscan_array.shape[0]-1) # dy = ymax/float(NUM_YTICKS) # ytick_values = arange(0.0,ymax+dy,dy) # ytick_labels = list( map(str, sensel_list[0]*ytick_values) ) # multiply sensel indices by sensel row dimension # print(ytick_values) # print(ytick_labels) # plt.yticks(ytick_values, ytick_labels) # Set figure options ''' xml_filename = input_filename[:-4] + '_AVG_METRICS.xml' title_string = xml_filename + '\nCONTACT: force = ' + '{:.3f}'.format(metrics_list[0]) + ' (' + metrics_list[1] + '), area = ' + '{:.3f}'.format(metrics_list[2]) + ' (' + metrics_list[3] + ')\nPEAK PRESSURE: ' + str(metrics_list[4]) + ' (' + str(metrics_list[5]) + ')' plt.title(title_string, fontsize=12) fig.colorbar(mappable, label=colorbar_label, ax=axs[row, col]) # show colorbar # label axes (default: 'mm') axs[row,col].set_xlabel(sensel_list[1]) axs[row,col].set_ylabel(sensel_list[3]) # pads are specified in fraction of fontsize plt.tight_layout(pad=0.75) # , w_pad=0.5, h_pad=1.0) image_filename = input_filename[:-4] + '_AVG_METRICS.png' plt.savefig(image_filename, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=fig.dpi) ''' # end of file loop # Save subplot image fig.suptitle('Pressure Results | Max Pressure: '+str(max(max_list))+' '+str(metrics_list[5]), fontsize=15) #fig3.suptitle('Average', fontsize=15) plt.show() fig_filename = input_filename[:-4] + '_AVG.png' barfig_filename = input_filename[:-4] + '_COLORBAR.png' fig.savefig(fig_filename, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=fig.dpi) barfig.savefig(barfig_filename, bbox_inches='tight',dpi=fig.dpi) print("Fig saved as ",fig_filename) print("Colorbar saved as ", barfig_filename) plt.close() # END OF Tekscan_contact_metrics() # Function to reformat XML ElementTree # INPUTS: # elem = ElementTree root => default level=0 # indent_string: e.g. '\t', ' ', etc. # NOTE: modifies tree string in place def indent_elements(elem, indent_string, level=0): i = "\n" + level*indent_string if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + indent_string if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: indent_elements(elem, indent_string, level+1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i # END OF indent_elements() # Function to redifine the colormap # removes the upper white end of the colormap, stopping at pure red def modified_spectral_colormap(): cmap = plt.get_cmap('nipy_spectral') cmap_dict = cmap._segmentdata # unpack each color channel r = cmap_dict['red'] g = cmap_dict['green'] b = cmap_dict['blue'] # remove upper white end of spectrum to stop at pure red r = r[:-3] g = g[:-3] b = b[:-3] # Normalize colormap range from 0.0 to 1.0 # find max, e.g. 0.85 norm_max = r[-1][0] # Normalize red colormap channel r_mod = [] for p in r: r_mod.append( (p[0]/norm_max, p[1], p[2]) ) # Normalize green colormap channel g_mod = [] for p in g: g_mod.append( (p[0]/norm_max, p[1], p[2]) ) # Normalize blue colormap channel b_mod = [] for p in b: b_mod.append( (p[0]/norm_max, p[1], p[2]) ) cmap_mod_dict = {} cmap_mod_dict['red'] = r_mod cmap_mod_dict['green'] = g_mod cmap_mod_dict['blue'] = b_mod cmap_mod = LinearSegmentedColormap('spectral_mod', cmap_mod_dict) return cmap_mod # END OF modified_spectrum_colormap() # FUNCTION TO: # 1) read desired Tekscan csv parameters # 2) average all temporal 'frames' # 3) compute contact metrics (contact area, contact force, peak pressure) # 4) build XML tree, including: parameters, averaged frame, contact metrics # 5) output XML tree to file # INPUT: # Tekscan csv filename # OUTPUT: # Tekscan data and metrics in XML file # RETURNS: # - averaged Tekscan pressure array (MPa) # - sensel dimensions [row_spacing, row_spacing_units, col_spacing, col_spacing_units] # - desired metrics to add to average pressure sensor image [contact_force, calib_force_units, contact_area, area_units, peak_pressure, pressure_units] def tekscan_csv_2_AVG_METRICS_XML(input_filename): # Input csv file file = open(input_filename,'r') lines = file.readlines() file.close() # INITIALIZE VALUES line_index = 0 num_rows = 0 # number of sensel rows num_cols = 0 # number of sensel columns #sensel_area = 0.0 # area (mm^2) of each sensel #scale_factor = 0.0 # MPa / normalized value (i.e. raw) # EXTRACT TEKSCAN PARAMETERS calib_force = [] calib_sum = [] calib_cells = [] # Find desired parameters in csv file #while (scale_factor==0.0 or sensel_area==0.0 or num_rows==0 or num_cols==0) and line_index THRESHOLD] ) # Determine contact area (mm^2) contact_area = sensel_area * len( tekscan_array[ tekscan_array > THRESHOLD] ) # Determine peak pressure (MPa) and sensel location indices (i,j) #peak_pressure = amax(tekscan_array) # NOTE: not sure what will happen if multiple max values exist in image?! peak_row, peak_col = unravel_index( tekscan_array.argmax(), tekscan_array.shape ) peak_pressure = tekscan_array[peak_row,peak_col] #-----# # XML # #-----# # Create XML tree root = ET.Element('Pressure_Sensor') # INPUT FILE # Define input file in XML tree element = ET.SubElement(root,'Input_File') element.set('type','csv') element.text = input_filename # SENSOR # Define Sensor parameters in XML tree sensor_element = ET.SubElement(root,'Dimensions') element = ET.SubElement(sensor_element,'rows') element.set('units','sensels') element.text = str(tekscan_array.shape[0]) element = ET.SubElement(sensor_element,'cols') element.set('units','sensels') element.text = str(tekscan_array.shape[1]) element = ET.SubElement(sensor_element,'sensel_area') element.set('units',area_units) element.text = str(sensel_area) # CALIBRATION # Define Calibration parameters in XML tree calibration_element = ET.SubElement(root,'Calibration') element = ET.SubElement(calibration_element,'noise_threshold') element.set('units','raw') element.text = str(noise_threshold) element = ET.SubElement(calibration_element,'scale_factor') element.set('units',scale_units) element.text = str(scale_factor) element = ET.SubElement(calibration_element,'exponent') element.text = str(exponent) element = ET.SubElement(calibration_element,'saturation_pressure') element.set('units',saturation_units) element.set('type',saturation_type) element.text = str(saturation_pressure) # Define Calibration Points in XML tree points_element = ET.SubElement(calibration_element,'Points') for i in range(len(calib_force)): point_element = ET.SubElement(points_element,'Point') point_element.set('num',str(i+1)) element = ET.SubElement(point_element,'force') element.set('units',calib_force_units) element.text = str(calib_force[i]) element = ET.SubElement(point_element,'sum') element.set('units',calib_sum_units) element.text = str(calib_sum[i]) element = ET.SubElement(point_element,calib_cells_tag) element.set('units',calib_cells_units) element.text = str(calib_cells[i]) # CONTACT METRICS # Define Contact Metrics element in XML tree metrics_element = ET.SubElement(root,'Contact_Metrics') # Define Contact Area in XML tree element = ET.SubElement(metrics_element,'area') element.set('units',area_units) element.text = str(contact_area) # Define Contact Force in XML tree element = ET.SubElement(metrics_element,'force') element.set('units',calib_force_units) element.text = str(contact_force) # Define Peak Pressure element in XML tree peak_element = ET.SubElement(metrics_element,'Peak_Pressure') # Define peak pressure element in XML tree element = ET.SubElement(peak_element,'value') element.set('units',pressure_units) element.text = str(peak_pressure) # Define Peak Pressure Location in XML tree location_element = ET.SubElement(peak_element,'Location') # define peak pressure sensel row element = ET.SubElement(location_element,'row') element.set('units','sensels') element.text = str(peak_row) # define peak pressure sensel column element = ET.SubElement(location_element,'col') element.set('units','sensels') element.text = str(peak_col) # AVERAGED TEKSCAN ARRAY # Build average Tekscan array string tekscan_string = repr(tekscan_array).replace(' ','').replace('\n','') element = ET.SubElement(root,'Pressure_Array') element.set('type','numpy array') element.set('processing','averaged') element.set('units',pressure_units) element.text = tekscan_string # OUTPUT XML XML_INDENT_STRING = "\t" indent_elements(root,XML_INDENT_STRING) output_filename = input_filename[:-4] + '_AVG_METRICS.xml' # Write XML tree to file tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(output_filename) # RETURN DESIRED INFO # build lists to return desired Tekscan parameters for image labels sensel_list = [row_spacing, row_spacing_units, col_spacing, col_spacing_units] metrics_list = [contact_force, calib_force_units, contact_area, area_units, peak_pressure, pressure_units] return (tekscan_array, sensel_list, metrics_list) #return tekscan_array # END OF tekscan_csv_2_AVG_METRICS_XML() # make this script callable from the command line if __name__ == "__main__": Tekscan_subplot(sys.argv)